The Key Aspects of Succession Planning in the Construction Industry

In an industry where projects often span years and the workforce is frequently shifting, effective succession planning becomes a crucial strategic process. This process of identifying and developing future leaders at all levels is no longer just a plan B for unexpected retirements or resignations. In fact, it is a forward-thinking approach to ensuring organizational sustainability and success.

According to a survey conducted by the Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA), 50% of construction companies reported they do not have an ownership transfer plan.

Is your company doing any better with leadership plans?

From Recruitment to Talent Development

The first step towards a robust succession plan begins with identifying high-potential candidates. Succession planning should not be limited to existing employees only; it needs to incorporate a broader talent acquisition strategy. This involves attracting and recruiting candidates who not only possess the necessary skills but also show potential for growth and leadership in the future.

The key is to ensure a steady influx of talent into the organization, creating a talent pool from which future leaders can be selected.

Once these high-potential candidates are onboard, the focus should shift to talent development and nurturing. This involves continuous training and development programs, mentorship initiatives, and providing opportunities for employees to take on leadership roles. The goal is to enhance their skills, knowledge, and leadership competencies so they can effectively fill key positions when the need arises.

Results Include Improved Engagement and Productivity

A well-thought-out succession plan offers more than just providing replacements for key roles. When employees see that there’s a clear path for career advancement within the organization, they are more likely to feel valued and engaged. This engagement often translates into improved productivity, as employees are motivated to contribute their best efforts.

Moreover, a successful succession plan gives a company a competitive edge in the long run. With a strong talent pipeline in place, the organization is better equipped to navigate changes and uncertainties in the market. It enables a smooth transition of leadership roles and minimizes disruption to operations, ensuring that the business can maintain its momentum even during times of change.

A Thoughtful Implementation: Not Just an Emergency Preparedness Tool

Unfortunately, many organizations view succession planning as merely an emergency preparedness tool, something to fall back on in case of sudden vacancies. However, this reactive approach can be detrimental to the long-term success of a business.

Instead, succession planning should be implemented as a proactive and ongoing process. It should be intertwined with the company’s strategic goals and incorporated into its annual planning cycle. This allows for regular reviews and updates to the plan, ensuring it remains relevant and aligned with the evolving business landscape.

Furthermore, it’s essential to have a comprehensive succession plan that covers not just top leadership roles, but all key positions across the organization. This means mapping out potential successors for each crucial role and understanding the unique competencies and experiences they bring to the table.

Seeking Specialized Expertise: Leverage External Resources

Given the complexity of succession planning, it can be beneficial to seek external expertise. Specialists in succession planning can provide valuable insights, tools, and methodologies to help construction companies navigate this process effectively. They can conduct comprehensive skills and leadership gap analysis, facilitate strategic discussions, and provide guidance on best practices. Your recruiter can help you with this process.

This includes creating clear criteria for identifying high-potential employees, designing effective development programs, and implementing a fair and transparent selection process. This specialized expertise can significantly enhance the effectiveness and credibility of the succession planning process.


In the highly competitive construction industry, having a robust and effective succession plan is not an option; it is a necessity. By developing a comprehensive plan that focuses on recruiting high-potential candidates, nurturing talent, and leveraging specialized expertise, construction companies can ensure their long-term sustainability and success. Succession planning is not just about preparing for the future; it’s about creating it.

For more information on succession planning in the construction industry, please contact us here.

