You have prepared endlessly for an important interview that could land you your dream job. You rehearsed your answers and left no tables unturned. But wait! You must take into account one thing that speaks louder than your words – your body language.
Your body language is a potent form of communication. You want to be very mindful of the message you are conveying as it can reveal things about your personality and response that may have been unintended.
Here are a few pointers to help you master the technique to sound confident and qualified and look the part.
Dress to Impress
- Your attire plays a significant role and immediately conveys how serious you are about the position you are applying for. It speaks volumes even before you have even uttered “hello.”
- Make careful choices when selecting what to wear and inquire beforehand about the dress code. It’s all in the details, so make sure your clothes are wrinkle-free, shoes are polished, fingernails trimmed, and hair combed for a well-presented appearance.
Firm Handshake and Pleasant Greeting
- Now that you have the appearance locked, a firm handshake and a pleasant greeting can make you more perceptive and likable.
- When you walk into a room and initiate a firm handshake, it immediately signals that you are prepared, ready, and excited for meeting the interviewer (follow social distancing rules).
- A pleasant greeting always lifts spirits and brings in positive energy. It can help break the ice and shows that you are a friendly individual that can gel quickly.
Eye Contact
- Making good eye contact shows that you are alert, engaged, and interested in the current situation.
- This does not mean that you stare creepily into the soul of your interviewer. It simply means that you hold your gaze with the person who is directly speaking to you.
- Make sure that you maintain some eye contact with other people in the room as well to acknowledge their presence.
Good Posture
- An upright posture exudes confidence and directly impacts the tone of your voice.
- Do not fidget as it signals that you are tense, unsure, and distracted.
- Be responsive. When needed, use your hands while talking as you do not want to sit there like a stone-cold statue just nodding your head.
Solid Exit Strategy
- Finish strong because your exit is as important as your entry.
- No matter how the interview went, do not slouch or show disappointment. Maintain your energy, posture, smile, attitude, and confidence.
- A “thank you for your time” with a firm handshake, exchanging pleasantries on your way out, and gently closing the door behind you indicates courteous behavior.
You can go on and on about your qualifications and how you are best suited for the job, but half the battle is lost if your body language speaks otherwise.
So, before an interview, don’t just prepare well with your words but also focus on your body language because it will do most of the talking.