There is a general belief that getting a good career requires a college degree. Since we were in school, we kept hearing about how important getting a college degree is. However, not everyone can afford to go to college or even be interested in doing so. What happens if you don’t have a college degree? Does it close all doors for you? A college degree should not affect your chances of getting a job. This is good news for young people entering the workforce. Construction is an especially great option for a career where you don’t need a college degree.
Why the Construction Industry?
- Earn and Learn: Construction work cannot be learned by only reading books or listening to lectures. It needs a lot of hands-on work in the field and a passion for learning new skills. There are free apprenticeship programs that give paid on-the-job training in construction. New employees have an opportunity to not only develop new skills but also keep earning during the process. Instead of starting with college debt, these apprentices get a head start in their careers. This real work experience teaches more than what one can learn by getting a college degree. It is easy to start in this industry, with opportunities to learn and grow, and you don’t even need a college degree.
- Demand for Workers: Looking at the current market trend, companies need more workers than workers need jobs. A large number of people are getting ready to retire. Also, new developments and projects are rapidly increasing around the country. There is a need for 650,000 additional workers to meet the demand within the construction industry. Companies are forced to make a few changes in their recruiting process to attract more workers to join the workforce. One of the most prominent has been to remove the college degree requirement.
- Lucrative Career: Due to the increasing demands of workers in construction, wages have also increased within the field. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, construction managers earn the second-highest salary on the list of jobs that don’t need a degree. Though 58 percent of construction managers don’t have college degrees, their median salary is well above the national median salary. Other jobs available within the construction industry pay well and don’t require a college degree.
It is not only easy to find a career in construction without a college degree, but with the right training and hard work, one can make great advancements too. A professional construction recruiter can offer guidelines if you don’t have a college degree and are looking for a placement within the construction field. They can also refer you to open positions based on your skills and talents.